Mark Stacey
Professor of Environmental Engineering
Keywords: mechanics
Research Areas: environmental fluid mechanics, transport and mixing in stratified flows, dynamics of estuaries, lakes and the coastal ocean, interdisciplinary applications of environmental fluid mechanics
Research Description:
My current research interests lie in the sustainable management of coastal resources, with a focus on the physical processes that govern fluid motions and the interdisciplinary implications of transport and mixing in estuarine and coastal environments.
Ongoing research in my group emphasizes transport and mixing in stratified coastal flows. Specific examples include estuarine sediment transport and the implications for marsh restoration, the dispersion of rafts of vegetation in tidal flows, the dynamics of coastal lagoons, plume dynamics and odorant detection, transport and mixing in thin layers of biological productivity in the coastal ocean, and the delivery of nutrients and sediments to the near coastal ocean from local watersheds. The Environmental Fluid Mechanics at Berkeley page provides more detail about research projects in my group and in those of my colleagues.
Selected Publications: